The earliest mention of an Assembly in Cork dates back to 1818, when there were two companies who sought to meet in a simple, Scriptural fashion. What became of these two companies or what developed during the next few decades is not recorded, but a testimony in Cork city was maintained, and 30 years later there was a vibrant Assembly bearing witness to Christ.
Mr R C Chapman of Barnstaple made a preaching tour of Ireland in 1848 covering over 600 miles, mostly on foot. In February of that year he visited Cork and was welcomed by the Assembly where he found happy fellowship and was refreshed as he broke bread with them on the Lord's Day.
In the inaugural issue of Believer's Magazine (January, 1891) there was an article entitled, "The Tract Distributing Band". Young believers in Assembly fellowship were encouraged to share in this work of systematically giving out gospel leaflets in their areas. A number of places were mentioned where this work was being carried out, and one of these places was Cork city where 18 young men had formed themselves into a "Band". They had divided the city into eight districts, two workers for each, and two for the factories and warehouses which they covered with gospel literature and spoke to the workers. What a blessing to have 18 young men in Assembly fellowship and to see them all active in personal witness for the Lord helping forward the work of the gospel in their own district.
The Assembly met in a number of places prior to 1891 when the present Hall was built. A note in the October, 1891 Believer's Magazine reads; "CORK: A new Hall has been opened in Queen Street here, in which from this time believers will gather for worship, and preaching of the gospel.
A special meeting was held on 4th May, 1991 in the Gospel Hall to commemorate one hundred years of testimony in the present building in Father Mathew Street. The Centenary Conference was a time for thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness during the century that had passed and also a time for the ministry of the Word by Mr J G Hutchinson and Mr C Hocking as Christians gathered from many parts of Ireland to praise God for His faithfulness over so many years.
A new chapter opened with the completion of the new Gospel Hall in Father Mathew Street.The Lord has been faithful in the provision of this new building. The Lord has not changed, His Word has not changed, with confidence we look to Him for future blessing, and can say with the hymnwriter, "We'll praise Him far all that is past, and trust Him for all that's to come".